Training & Workshops
Sarah regularly presents to schools, charities, parents, businesses and organisations in order to educate participants about neurodiversity, promote understanding and provide strategies for support. These trainings are either on-line or in-person in London. Please get in touch for more information.
ADHD Awareness:
This includes:
- An introduction to ADHD
- A detailed exploration of the core symptoms
- A discussion on the Co-morbidities of ADHD
- The Neurological and biological basis of ADHD
- The impact of ADHD on daily life
- Behavioural Strategies for managing symptoms
Improving Attention Workshop
This includes:
- Introduction to the concept of attention
- How our attention is affected by technology
- The neuroscience behind distraction
- The impact of technology on daily life
- Strategies to increase attention
Preparing for University Workshop
Sarah runs in-person and on-line workshops working on the skills needed by students to succeed at university.
This includes:
- An introduction to the ADHD symptoms which impact independent living
- The neuroscience of attention and how to improve it
- Time management
- Study Skills
- Overcoming procrastination
- Improving nutrition
- Stress management
- Sleep and exercise